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Virtual meetups and events

By hosting and/or helping our clients attend events, we believe we can help firms grow their legal technology expertise; build more efficient, client-centered law firms; and increase opportunities to establish a network within the law community. 

There are no events scheduled at this time. Check back regularly to see what's new.

Ethics CLE

Nota partnered with Lawline to provide you with an opportunity to earn ethics credit.

Avoiding Trust Account Terrors: How to Ethically and Effectively Manage a Lawyers Trust Account will walk you through every major pitfall that you need to be aware of regarding use of your trust accounts. Learning objectives include:

  • Reviewing the rules of professional conduct governing use of attorney trust accounts

  • Exploring real-world cases of Clients’ Funds Trust Account (IOLTA / IOLA) misuse and attorney discipline

  • Using practical techniques and tools to avoid committing accidental violations - or even having to spend substantial time managing your account

Click here to register for the course.

Virtual meetups and events

*Reviews from Lawline.com 7/6/2021

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