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    Heather Abissi

    Heather Abissi
    Heather M. Abissi, an attorney beginning her 16th year of practice, having served as an Executive Assistant District Attorney, Criminal Defense Attorney, Civil Rights Attorney, Tort Attorney, Family Law Attorney, Matrimonial Attorney, and Senior Assistant Corporation Counsel for the City of New York, and Corporate Outside Counsel, has a practice focused on legal writing, editing, contract negotiation, oral argument, trial support, and strategy in varied areas of practice.

    Recent Posts

    Law Firm Tech Assessment

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    Being Brave in This New Legal World

    By Heather Abissi

    Tech Insight for Luddites

    By Heather Abissi

    Back to Basics: Six Steps to Success Post-COVID

    By Heather Abissi

    How NOT to lose your law license in 3 easy steps

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    The Art of Saying “No,” in a Solo Legal Practice

    By Heather Abissi
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